Know where you stand:
Hope this post won't offend anyone, but many chinese youngsters are leaving behind their culture. People nowdays rarely speak mandarin. 4/10 langsung tak tau. I don't hope much, but please at least know your own chinese name, and please give your children a chinese name as well, no matter what it takes. Lastly, know where you stand.
In China, there's a book called 《百家姓》 (hundred surnames) this book state all 100 surnames according to the population. Here's a list of the latest, and i do hope that you'll be able to recognise your own surname =P
2007 《百家姓》
Hope this post won't offend anyone, but many chinese youngsters are leaving behind their culture. People nowdays rarely speak mandarin. 4/10 langsung tak tau. I don't hope much, but please at least know your own chinese name, and please give your children a chinese name as well, no matter what it takes. Lastly, know where you stand.
In China, there's a book called 《百家姓》 (hundred surnames) this book state all 100 surnames according to the population. Here's a list of the latest, and i do hope that you'll be able to recognise your own surname =P
2007 《百家姓》
Anyway, there was an original one. During those days, kids are required to memorise and sing the 100 surnames out. Hmm, more like a song la! haha, so back then it wasn't ranked according to the popularity, it was arranged in a way that it's easier for them to memorise. Here goes!
P/s: It was in traditional chinese, haha! Some might have more difficulty reading.
百家姓 |
趙錢孫李 周吳鄭王 馮陳褚衛 蔣沈韓楊 |
朱秦尤許 何呂施張 孔曹嚴華 金魏陶姜 |
戚謝鄒喻 柏水竇章 雲蘇潘葛 奚范彭郎 |
魯韋昌馬 苗鳳花方 俞任袁柳 酆鮑史唐 |
費廉岑薛 雷賀倪湯 滕殷羅畢 郝鄔安常 |
樂于時傅 皮卞齊康 伍余元卜 顧孟平黃 |
和穆蕭尹 姚邵堪汪 祁毛禹狄 米貝明臧 |
計伏成戴 談宋茅龐 熊紀舒屈 項祝董梁 |
杜阮藍閔 席季麻強 賈路婁危 江童顏郭 |
梅盛林刁 鐘徐邱駱 高夏蔡田 樊胡凌霍 |
虞萬支柯 昝管盧莫 經房裘繆 干解應宗 |
丁宣賁鄧 郁單杭洪 包諸左石 崔吉鈕龔 |
程嵇邢滑 裴陸榮翁 荀羊於惠 甄曲家封 |
芮羿儲靳 汲邴糜松 井段富巫 烏焦巴弓 |
牧隗山谷 車侯宓蓬 全郗班仰 秋仲伊宮 |
寧仇欒暴 甘鈄厲戎 祖武符劉 景詹束龍 |
葉幸司韶 郜黎薊薄 印宿白懷 蒲台從鄂 |
索咸籍賴 卓藺屠蒙 池喬陰鬱 胥能蒼雙 |
聞莘黨翟 譚貢勞逄 姬申扶堵 冉宰酈雍 |
卻璩桑桂 濮牛壽通 邊扈燕冀 郟浦尚農 |
溫別庄晏 柴瞿閻充 慕連茹習 宦艾魚容 |
向古易慎 戈廖庚終 暨居衡步 都耿滿弘 |
匡國文寇 廣祿闕東 毆殳沃利 蔚越夔隆 |
師鞏厙聶 晁勾敖融 冷訾辛闞 那簡饒空 |
曾毋沙乜 養鞠須豐 巢關蒯相 查後荊紅 |
游竺權逯 蓋後桓公 万俟司馬 上官歐陽 |
夏侯諸葛 聞人東方 赫連皇甫 尉遲公羊 |
澹臺公冶 宗政濮陽 淳於單于 太叔申屠 |
公孫仲孫 軒轅令狐 鐘離宇文 長孫慕容 |
鮮於閭丘 司徒司空 亓官司寇 仉督子車 |
顓孫端木 巫馬公西 漆雕樂正 壤駟公良 |
拓拔夾谷 宰父谷粱 晉楚閻法 汝鄢塗欽 |
段干百里 東郭南門 呼延歸海 羊舌微生 |
岳帥緱亢 況後有琴 梁丘左丘 東門西門 |
商牟佘佴 伯賞南宮 墨哈譙笪 年愛陽佟 |
第五言福 百家姓終 |
Teoh Weng Foo
I have never heard of this. You prepare to sing next time when we meet up.
Anonymous, At
May 30, 2007 at 2:04 AM
=/ Mana ada, I cant even pronounce some of them. It's like a poem when you read it out ma. haha!
bubu, At
June 1, 2007 at 2:00 AM
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