A Little World of My Own

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Know where you stand:

Hope this post won't offend anyone, but many chinese youngsters are leaving behind their culture. People nowdays rarely speak mandarin. 4/10 langsung tak tau. I don't hope much, but please at least know your own chinese name, and please give your children a chinese name as well, no matter what it takes. Lastly, know where you stand.

In China, there's a book called 《百家姓》 (hundred surnames) this book state all 100 surnames according to the population. Here's a list of the latest, and i do hope that you'll be able to recognise your own surname =P

2007 百家姓

Anyway, there was an original one. During those days, kids are required to memorise and sing the 100 surnames out. Hmm, more like a song la! haha, so back then it wasn't ranked according to the popularity, it was arranged in a way that it's easier for them to memorise. Here goes!

P/s: It was in traditional chinese, haha! Some might have more difficulty reading.

万俟司馬 上官歐陽
夏侯諸葛 聞人東方 赫連皇甫 尉遲公羊
澹臺公冶 宗政濮陽 淳於單于 太叔申屠
公孫仲孫 軒轅令狐 鐘離宇文 長孫慕容
鮮於閭丘 司徒司空 亓官司寇 子車
顓孫端木 巫馬公西 漆雕樂正 壤駟公良
拓拔夾谷 宰父谷粱
段干百里 東郭南門 呼延歸海 羊舌微生
梁丘左丘 東門西門


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