A Little World of My Own

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Today's presentation was.. Great. XD Tutor asked questions that I don't know how to answer. I screwed up. T_T Speaking about tutors, after I finished my MacroEconomics class this morning, I met the MacroEcon tutor in the relief point, and thus led to this conversation:

Me: (washing hands.) Hey sir.
Him: Hello. (smells ciggy.) Do you smoke?
Me: Err, no.
Him: I smell ciggy, you sure thats not you?
Me: I don't smoke.
Him: Oh ok, (looking confused.) I thought that was you.
Me: Haha..

Omgwtfbbqsph him. How can the soft-hearted, utmost polite and gentlemanest boy like me smoke man. Sometimes, I really don't understand, why people like to ask whether I smoke or not! Do I look like a smoker? What makes you think so.! Yeelyn, answer me!

Say NO to ciggy, TAK NAK! Smoking is an expensive habbit. Reasons are as follow:

1) Noting motivates me to smoke.
2) I cannot afford.
3) Friends don't smoke.
4) Bad boy impression.
5) Girls don't like.
6) Cause hell lots of side effects.
7) You're old enough to think by yourself. Malas give d.

Thats all for today's post, have to get back to assignment. See you.


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